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24.S07E02 : Day 7: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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Tony and his crew put their CIP override device to the test as they divert two planes in mid-air, nearly causing a collision and hundreds of casualties. With the successful test of the device, Tony's boss, Emerson, delivers it to General Juma who is planning to use it to blackmail the US. Jack follows up a lead with Renee but is convinced there is a leak inside the FBI when their suspect is shot dead by a sniper before he can give up any useful information. He is proven right when the fleeing shooter leads them to Tony's boat. Meanwhile, Taylor meets with former Sangalan president Matobo to convince him to hold Juma accountable for his crime in a proper court, not trial by angry mob. Henry continues his quest to find out the truth about his son by visiting his girlfriend, Samantha.

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